What is BrainHearing™?

Oticon, the world leader in hearing technology, has developed a groundbreaking technology known as BrainHearing™. This innovation provides hearing aid users with access to the entire soundscape, enabling them to fully immerse themselves in their surroundings.

The latest Oticon hearing aids are trained with 12 million real-life sound scenes!

Oticon hearing aids use a new technology – the Deep Neural Network (DNN) – that mimics brain functions.

The newly released Oticon Intent™ is now available in Thunder Bay!

Do you find it challenging to comprehend speech in noisy environments?

Listening to speech in the presence of background noise poses several difficulties. One of the primary obstacles is that the volume of the noise can reach such high levels that it overwhelms the desired speech signal, making it difficult for the listener to discern the intended message.

While high-end hearing aids can filter out various types of background noise and amplify the speech signal, what happens when the background noise shares the same sound spectrum as human speech, such as in a bustling restaurant, coffee shop, or art gallery? In such circumstances, the hearing aid is faced with the arduous task of separating the main speech signal from the background noise, resulting in a challenging listening experience for the user.

At Oticon, they think brain-first

Based on Oticon’s vast sound processing experience, they have trained the Deep Neural Network (DNN) with 12 million real-life sound scenes. Oticon Real and Oticon Intent are their most advanced hearing aid technology ever. The DNN has learned to recognize all types of sounds, their details, and how they should ideally sound.

This makes it so much more than standard artificial intelligence software. BrainHearing™ is a unique and dedicated hearing aid advancement developed for real-time operation in everyday life.

With this integrated intelligence, Oticon hearing aids make sounds more distinct while working seamlessly across varying listening environments – all in order to optimally support the brain.

Four Benefits of BrainHearing™

Recent real-world tests have yielded remarkable outcomes, demonstrating that the latest Oticon hearing aids offer enhanced speech access to the brain amidst complex soundscapes. Additionally, these devices provide expedited access to a wider range of relevant sounds with superior clarity.

Furthermore, 80% of individuals with hearing impairments favoured this advanced sound quality, irrespective of varying sound environments. Extensive testing in real-world scenarios confirms that Oticon’s BrainHearing™ technology provides wearers with:

More Speech
Better access to speech surrounding the wearer
More Sounds
Access to the most relevant sounds in the sound scene
Faster Adaptation
More rapid adjustment to changes in the sound scene
More Clarity
Better preserved sounds with more contrast and details

What is Oticon BrainHearing™, and how does it function?

The brain’s hearing centre comprises two interrelated subsystems that help process sound: the orient and focus subsystems.

The orient subsystem takes precedence and scans all surrounding sounds, regardless of their nature or direction, to create a comprehensive view of the sound scene. It then generates an overview of the sound objects within the environment.

The focus subsystem helps individuals select which sounds to listen to by filtering out irrelevant sounds. After obtaining an overview of the sound objects within the environment, the focus subsystem is used to recognize and focus on the desired sound or switch attention to it.

Tap into the Neural Networking System of the Brain

Once sounds reach the inner ear, they are transformed into a neural code sent via the auditory nerve to the brain’s hearing centre, the auditory cortex. The orient subsystem requires a high-quality neural code to generate an overview of the sound objects and start separating sounds to comprehend the surroundings. This gives the brain the optimal conditions to decide what to focus on and listen to.

The focus subsystem navigates through the complete sound scene, recognizing the desired sound to focus on and filtering out extraneous noise. Oticon BrainHearing™ technology aims to provide users with the best hearing experience by leveraging these two subsystems to improve speech understanding in complex sound environments.

The newly released Oticon Intent™ is now available in Thunder Bay!